Tips : Using Samsung L700 as Modem where empty user name or password on Ubuntu 9.04

If you are using Samsung L700 as modem where user name and password is empty or blank, you are can not connect using dialup tool.

This happen to me.
To solved this problem, I am using as wvdial as connection, and using terminal to connect that.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. How to do that? I'm using Airtel internet connection on my L700. when I connect by network manager, my handset instantly restarts. please reply me to arupbsk AT gmail DOT com

  2. Sometimes, that happen too with my L700.

  3. That happens everytime. I cant use my mob as internet connector even if I give password and username, phone restarts. this does not happens in windows. btw, set software is updated and ubuntu is updated to 10.04 with system updates of about 250mb done by broadband


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